What’s the big deal with AB2109?


All of us have noticed the big push from health care as of late and have read pages upon pages of tactics that they list and publish, to try and push vaccines on the total population. So is it any surprise that they are trying to change laws in order to make it more difficult to say no? Of course it isn’t and neither is it a surprise that they will make more $money$ because of this new bill.

Now while I am sure that it didn’t all start with Dr. Richard Pan, his name is on this bill so he is taking the brunt of the backlash. Despite the numerous postings of upset parents, practitioners and even people around the globe… he does not respond, but continues to post articles as if they don’t exist. Maybe he thinks if he holds out long enough, the bill will pass and they’ll all disappear.  But we’ll have to wait to see how that pans out.

There are a few who don’t get what the big deal is and protest that this isn’t forced vaccination so people shouldn’t be complaining. So what better thing to do than clearly outline what is so bad about this new bill.

Currently in order to get a philosophical exemption, one has to simply write and sign a piece of paper and send it to the appropriate place. The new suggestion is that in addition to that piece of paper, parents must also go to a doctor and listen to them lay out the benefits and risks of vaccinations, the doctor must write a letter, sign it and then the parent must write another letter and sign that one. This must also happen again once the child reaches grade 7 and applies to children who are homeschooled as well.

So now not only can’t you just opt-out, you have to sit in a doctor’s office and risk catching something, but you must also listen to them tell you; how wonderful vaccines are, how the only risk is a sore arm, maybe a possible fever and that you are putting your child and everyone else at risk by not vaccinating cause your child is now a cesspool of disease.

Before I move on to the next point of contention, I want to touch a bit on these papers that have to be written and signed, according to the new bill. Most of us are familiar with the general working of doctor’s offices these days. As it stands, most doctors don’t even discuss vaccines but instead simply state that your child is due for them. There is never an option given to opt out and most people are not aware that it is even possible to do so. Most offices don’t keep you in for the appropriate time to watch for an allergic or otherwise reaction after injection and most doctors have absolutely no clue, what the signs of a reaction are. Multiple stories from families all ring the same ‘the doctor would not even consider that a reaction was possible’ ‘the doctor kept denying that it could be the vaccine, despite all other possibilities being ruled out’ ‘my baby turned blue and stopped breathing and he just kept saying, it’s not the vaccine, it’s not the vaccine’.

I’m getting to my point I swear.

With doctors continually denying risks and not being aware of current studies how can they properly inform parents of the benefits and risks when they are so biased, uneducated and opinionated on the subject.  With that in mind we come to the signed papers. I have not found anywhere that it states what is to be written on that document. It would be nice to assume that it will say something like, risk/benefits were explained and medical intervention was denied. In reality it could be very different. Doctors could write that risk/benefits were explained and parent refuses, putting child and community in danger. Then the parent is required to sign a paper showing that they basically agree to the doctor’s paper. If a parent is being required to sign such a thing…… no wonder there is backlash about this.

People refusing to inject their children with a manufactured product didn’t do so lightly and didn’t do so out of laziness or lack of funds. People refusing are educated on vaccines, diseases and how to properly treat them without the need of synthetic materials. Doctors, hell a lot of people are dismissing real concerns as some passing trend. Maybe if they started acknowledging these concerns, actually listening and investigating; we wouldn’t have such a misunderstanding from health care professionals. It’s not from lack of trying, more and more people are not only learning about what is happening: they are seeing it with their own eyes.

The next point and it’s a biggie….. what if you cannot find a doctor to sign? Nothing in this bill states that a doctor must sign a paper allowing exemption and according to the new bill, without a signature you cannot get an exemption and therefore you child cannot attend school. This is where the mandatory vaccination line comes into play. Now follow along here…. Your child must attend school or you can be charged. If you cannot find a doctor to sign an exemption than your child cannot go to school, forcing you to have to vaccinate in order to gain attendance. Homeschooling is not an option because this bill also applies to homeschoolers. Since an increasing number of parents are now using chiropractors and naturopaths etc. and these doctors are not able to sign the exemption, they are left to seek out a doctor to sign. If no doctor in their area will sign (since it is a new trend to not allow unvaccinated patients in their offices) they have to travel in order to find one. What if this is not possible? Do they then have to go against their belief and vaccinate their child because, they have no other option. This is why parents are protesting this as mandatory vaccinating. They know all too well what their old doctors are like and how hard it will be just to say “no thanks, we’re good”

You all know my opinion; opt in not out!

I left the best part for last, because it’s something I noticed right away and here is why. With every new vaccine, drug or medical treatment; there is always a cost analysis to determine if it is viable to put to market. If a procedure costs more than it would profit, it is usually shelved. Vaccines are always checked to make sure that it is profitable and marketable. I saw this very early on when I started learning to read studies, so I noticed right away that there was some noting at the bottom of the bill, stating that any costs could be deferred and it got me thinking about how this bill could possibly be profitable. It didn’t take long of course, to see where the money was going to go and yes this bill will be making people money. Think about it.

Every parent in California, wishing to get a philosophical exemption will have to pay in order to receive one, because seeing a doctor there is not free, even for something that is mandatory.(this bill makes it mandatory to see a doctor in order to sign) Since it is being estimated by health care professionals that more people are getting exemptions and “putting people at risk” than it surely must be a lot of people right? All those people now having to pay for an exemption really adds up. Not only do they have to pay now but if their child is young, then they have to pay AGAIN when that child reaches grade 7. Next they’ll put in place a new bill making them return for another exemption for high school and it could go on like this. It’s obvious why they are doing this and it’s a very simple reasoning. Doctors are losing money and fast. Many people do not realize how many well baby appointments are recommended, all occurring when a vaccination is due. Not only are they paid for the visit but they make money on each vaccine given as well. If more people are not getting vaccinated and therefore not needing to go for well baby visits, then doctors are not receiving that money anymore. This new bill will ensure that, that money lost is partially made up, while also hoping that parents will crumble and give in to vaccines.

A final point of contention in this bill, that I nearly forgot to write about (it is 2am here) is that it sets precedent. I touched on before that people all over the globe are protesting on Dr. Pan’s facebook page and this is the reason why. If this passes, then more states will likely try to pass the same. Following in its footsteps could be other countries and that’s what worries people. Better to nip it in the bud now before we have a full out bloom that could eventually lead to a very real, very deadly and completely mandatory vaccination rule.

For now I am glad to be living in Ontario where all I have to do is pay $25 to get a form notarized and I don’t have to listen to someone less educated in vaccines than I, tell me that they are completely safe and nothing bad will happen to my child.

For now at least.