Stay Tuned……There’s Ton of Fun For Everyone

It sure has been awhile since I’ve posted, computer crashes set you back immensely and it has taken quite a bit of time to get back up and running again…at least partially. When your computer gets a virus it is a drag, but you can learn from it, properly or the lazy way; this can be used as a great example of a huge problem with our healthcare.

So your computer gets a virus and crashes. Now you have to start from scratch and also take measures to ensure that the same thing, to the same degree does not happen again. So what do you do?  Well you could take lead from our “health care experts/system” and either wait for another virus to happen and try and deal with the problems that arise or you can use the “fool proof” virus protection as a preventative measure  that will 100% assure you not to get a virus.

Yeah Right!

The other thing you can do is actually learn from the experience and take measures from that knowledge without putting all of your reliance on a Product. You can learn what the virus attacks first so you can be aware of the signs and also ways to stop it once it has started, you can back up files to have ready in case of a crash so as to not lose all of your data and you can stay away from sites and downloads known to frequently contain viruses.

Lame example I know but if it relates then I’ll use it; someone, somewhere will understand it.

So now that things are mostly fixed on my end I can get back to chewing up the news and what excitement has been happening since I’ve been MIA.

I’m hoping to get to all of them, which will take time so I think a quick little bit about it is in order…


Dr. Andrew Wakefield has finally gotten his shit together and is suing the BMJ and others

A bunch of girls came down with symptoms similar to those claiming reactions from the HPV vaccine, those in charge are keeping things as hush, hush as possible

A seven year old girl dies shortly after a flu vaccine does and article on VAERS

The IOM is at it again and already preparing to make the results of a long awaited study to meet their predicted results

Fox news reports that MMR is linked to blood disease, but the others aren’t. They don’t know why but encourage you still get all of them

The DSMV is causing lots of talk….this is a sad, sad tactic by those in charge that will cause devastation (yes it’s that bad) to a lot of families

A pause in bird flu research …the reason should have everyone concerned and asking questions about regular vaccines

GlaxoSmithKline and two doctors are being fined over irregularities in its vaccine trials

Mandatory vaccinations are trying to make its way into people’s lives….the people are pushing back

Mass vaccination of polio, causing high cases of debilitating polio

And anything else that comes up while I’m typing about the above. So apologies for the wait but please stay tuned, there’s a lot to go over




It’s Not Something You’re Simply Born With

Oh Autism Speaks, how you annoy me so. I haven’t seen you in my news feed for awhile but today you have graced me with your presence. This is what they put out today and surprise, surprise it’s another piece on genetics. I have to state first of all that this illusion of prenatal testing is ridiculous. We have not pin-pointed a gene or any way to determine whether a child has autism shortly after birth or prenatally. Even though this article states that it has a test for autism, please be aware that this is just a money grabbing scheme. They know a few genes that they have pin-pointed-among the hundreds of other ‘multiple variations’ that have been claimed- that not only occur in those with autism, but those also with other disorders and regular people. If you took 100 people without autism, you will find these noted genes among them. They don’t have autism, so claiming that this test is anything but a giant ploy is ludicrous. Please know that even if they do find ‘something’ they have no treatments. They have therapies and medications that turn your child into a zombie. There are actual treatments that you can spend your money on and they will actually help as opposed to $1,500+ for them to tell you, yes here it is, now let’s make you pay for intensive therapies and pump your kid full of anti-psychotics. Go ahead if that is how you want to do things but I honestly feel sorry for the child. I have spent an immense amount less than that and in 2yrs my son has made tremendous progress, but I’m also not one to look for that easy way out, the one pill cure all that most of these parents are blindly dreaming about. It is not gonna happen; this is far too complex a disorder for a simple quick fix solution. The only quick fix is stopping the increasing number of children affected, but since no one is looking at the actual cause and too focused on genetics, this isn’t happening any time soon.

The very first line tells all, about the motives behind this organization and general researchers of autism.

“A burst of research into the genetics of autism has given scientists insight into the basis for the disorder. Now, some companies aim to capitalize on these findings by developing DNA screens that might one day provide a diagnosis at birth”

Do any of you actually believe that this research is about helping people? Look up the word ‘capitalize’ in the dictionary. This is all about $$$$. Do you honestly believe that the Down syndrome test, which is ‘offered’ repeatedly during the prenatal process, is just there because they care? They make money off of every test done and then for that second test they make thousands more. Do you think sticking a needle into your womb is free just because you don’t see the money coming out of your pocket?

Ok enough of that, you get the point. It’s all about making the dough and maybe as a side effect a possible few kids and families may be helped, but I doubt it.

“That specifically targets the developmental disorder, searching the genome for either irregular CNVs or single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that could explain the symptoms.”

So what specific genes are named in autism because last I heard there were 100s of different possible combinations, with absolutely no chromosomal abnormalities? Are they just looking for irregular or duplicate genes and claiming autism? Can they no grasp the fact that SOMETHING has to affect these genes, these bits of DNA to change?

“These tests are not giving any answers and they are costing thousands of dollars “a microarray costs, on average, $1,500, and that’s without the bells and whistles such as doctor visits and additional gene sequencing”

These researchers are making millions looking at an end result.

“Therapies—a market that UK-based research publisher Global Data expects to top $5 billion in the US in 2018”

Why not do something productive in terms of genes and test children at birth and then after regression? Test the difference between parents who believe that their children were born with autism and those who watched their children regress after numerous vaccines.

Then this load of malarkey “These abnormalities remain difficult to detect until a child is around four years of age or older”… Really cause myself and other parents can tell you differently and correct me if I`m wrong but aren`t most children diagnosed around 18mths-2yrs old after nearly a year of actively trying to get a diagnosis. Isn`t that part of the whole vaccines don`t cause autism argument, that children are diagnosed right at the time of vaccines?

They go on and on about treatments and yet they only mention therapies. There is a huge difference and yet still many, many people –even professionals- still use the two interchangeably.

“The diagnostic holy grail is a molecular test that can pinpoint the disorder at birth to hook children into therapies straightaway”

Yes and yet after all this money spent you still have nothing, absolutely squat really. How long did it take to find out the problem with Down syndrome? If it were strictly a genetic problem, we would have no problem finding it. Before I move on I absolutely have to point out the horrific fact that our health system is absolutely burning itself alive. We can test for Down syndrome so why can’t we figure out why it’s happening? It’s like with vaccines, instead of actually addressing measles or any other, we use our ‘prevention’ methods and cross our fingers that it works and no one ever gets said disease again because we have no clue what to do when that happens. Wow we are truly f**ked, seriously over half of these parents have no idea how to take care of sick children. Look at how many are hospitalized due to dehydration…DEHYDRATION…seriously wtf, we should be teaching people what to do when they or their children become sick instead of focusing every ounce of energy into prevention and if that fails; more prevention. Here take this vaccine and you’ll never have to worry about your child getting sick ever again. Yes I am fully aware that this is not word for word what they are saying; I am however equally aware that this is the mindset people are getting because of the message that is being delivered. Don’t believe me, look at the flu shot. Beside the fact that we’ve seen the studies showing this vaccine to be pointless in preventing the flu and only reducing symptoms by %4, the message is ‘don’t wanna get sick and miss work, school etc. Get the flu shot, save your life and others’. So people go on down to Walgreens, the grocery store or wherever they are putting these disgusting stands and get their shot with full thinking that they are not going to get sick. A few days late they have the full blown flu and have absolutely no idea what to do because all they were told was get this and don’t get sick; no one says what you should do if you actually do get sick cause no one gets sick anymore because we have these wonderful magical vaccines right?

So moving on to thee best part of the article…
“We think that 80–90% of what causes autism is really the genetics. But pinning down the genetic cause of autism has been difficult. Known mutations comprise fewer than 20% of all cases of ASD’s”

These guys really have alot of nerve don’t they? They can only find known mutations –none specified, hell -none is ever specified- in less than 20% yet they, in basically the same sentence they try and claim that 80-90% of what causes autism is genetically based. It will take you a hundred years and you still won’t be able to prove that statement, that very poor assumption. If you just look at the increase you will see that 80-90% of what causes autism is ‘outward influence’ and if you close your eyes really, really hard…….you can hear the doctors whisper in your ear that it’s all genetics, you parent are to blame with your poor genes and choice in poor gened mate because he read an article somewhere 5 yrs ago.

Oh but my uncle, grandfather, parent or other has it, I think. Interesting that you can now diagnose everyone including Bill Gates to fit this idea laid out before you. Instead of nodding your head and thinking fondly of the quirky uncle on your mom’s side, why don’t you actually take a look? Maybe it’s all malarkey, maybe just maybe they came into the same situation as your child and what causes their autism is the same. Who the heck is to say, certainly not me because while my family – both side- are insane, quirky, do things other people would never have the balls to do type of people, none have autism, none flap their hands when they get excited, all of them speak and they do not have anything close to the physical issues my son has. Now I’m not saying that every autism is like my sons, not every child has autism because of vaccines- since the issue is much deeper than that- but I certainly am saying that no child is just born with genes like theirs unless there was exposure to something during pregnancy.

I also do love- not- how they pup every one up with ‘autism is caused by genes’ when they have this;

“Found in less than 1% of individuals with ASD. But this mutation alone isn’t the final word on an autistic diagnosis. Some people with the 16p11.2 deletion or duplication have no or few autistic symptoms”

So in short normal speak: you have squat. No wait, in fact, you have even more questions like why does this make sense to warrior parents and not you guys

“And many rare variants associated with autism present schizophrenic, epileptic or bipolar symptoms instead,”

Hmmm maybe they have the secret recipe? No I think they have just been doing a better job than you guys with far, far less money than you have at your fingertips. They know that autism and the above are not strictly psychiatric disorders, they know that these are things that can affect the whole body and that these are things that you are not simply ‘just born with’.

It’s actually quite sad when you think about it, all these people, families, loved ones told that this is the way things are and there is nothing that can be changed. Now we know that it is possible to have hope, that we can make lives better for these people. Take the ‘Gardisil Girls’ for example, there seemed to be no hope and yet when treated for the cause- or as much as we know at this point- these girls get better. The same type of treatment that is helping thousands of children with autism and that can help thousands more.

This is a false hope “A microarray screening for CNVs pinpointed the probable genetic basis for Lily’s autism”… the beginning of the article mentions this little girl as though they were going to reveal the secret to this genetic test that would diagnose at birth, yet now with proper wording you see that it is all just an illusion. They are hoping to come across one child –or group of children- that will unlock it all for them and we know that isn’t going to happen. These children have different causes and are each affected by so, differently and to such extremes it is hard to categorize them under the same diagnosis. One thing stands ever simply though. There is a cause. In this day to continue to doubt that is to pull the blinds shut and let the world move on without you; because we are. Children are recovering. They are not cured, because we can only do so much and we don’t have the money to research this properly. We can only continue our work while we watch millions spent on areas of research that are not helping a single child or family. Not one. Not ever.

And you wonder while all the warriors are pissed off.

“Despite extensive data collection and genomic screening, these microarrays can only identify an associated genetic abnormality in 8–25% of known clinical cases of autism, depending on whom you ask”

So even if we take their highest calculation of 25%, we still have that amount of children with a genetic abnormality that does not point to autism because this abnormality exists in other diagnoses and also regular everyday people. Still let’s throw them a bone and say good job, pat on the back for you. You took $1,500 from this family all to either confirm there suspicions, get tested earlier for therapies or….what? What treatment can you put together from this information? Earlier therapy, sure that’s a good thing I cannot disagree with however, even with those few extra months or years of therapy, you are only going to get so far. What these people aren’t saying out loud is that this test is not foolproof. Imagine taking your baby in, spending this money and getting back a positive result only, your child doesn’t have autism. Maybe there is no harm in that situation, but imagine the time and money spent, not to mention what impact this or any type of diagnosis has on a child. Then what of the other 75% that may be tested and will be told that their child is fine, only to later receive a diagnosis of autism.

I have to note that this article is truly annoying in that they keep relating to finding these ‘genes’ as the cause.
“But we’re still left with 75% of kids who still have an unknown cause.” No correction, you are STILL left with 100% of kids with an unknown cause and 25% of children that have similar gene abnormalities, which may or may not be related to autism.

“Despite the relatively low diagnostic yield, CNV-probing chromosomal microarrays are the recommended genetic test for autism by the American Society of Human Genetics and the Boston-based Autism Consortium”

Of course they are what else do you have? After how many years and how many billions of dollars, what have you come up with? After say ten years and possibly a million dollars –I am estimating extremely high- parents and others have come up with treatment plans and centers that are actually giving kids back their lives. – In a functional respect- They have also started centers for therapies, groups and so many things that actually help.

I’m so glad that they mentioned Fragile X in here because it’s another hot button issue for me. A gene doesn’t spontaneously break; I’ve talked to parents of children who have been diagnosed with Fragile X after a vaccine reaction. Same story; healthy child, meets milestones then regression day after vaccines, only this time it shows on a test as Fragile X. Saying that Fragile X is the cause is again, absurd. What happened to this gene and other genes is an end result. Our genes reflect our state and are impacted by such. Saying that this is the cause leads people to think ‘oh its genes, nothing we can do’ when that is not true. These kids could actually be getting treatment that would make their lives easier and instead they are basically left in their own world and struggling when it doesn’t have to be that way.

“Most of the time, mutations associated with autism are formed de novo in the autistic person.”

I would love to see where they got this from and until I do, I call BS on this. If this were true to the degree that they are stating it, then there would already be prenatal testing and autism wouldn’t be such a hot topic as it is.

Thinking that it is strictly genes is very detrimental to families. There will be few families willing to have another child based on the information being spat and the risk of inheritable autism. The whole family is missing out when it does not have to be so. I took what I know about autism –my sons specifically- and I made a prevention plan when I got pregnant again. My daughter doesn’t have autism and maybe it is just a coincidence, but apparently so are children dying 30min after receiving a vaccine. Who am I to claim truth when I have no money to do research to back up my claims, yet neither do they. Even ground for now I guess, let’s move on.

“Even at the end of the day, the complete genome sequences of 10,000 autistic diagnoses still won’t be able to predict definitively what the detailed clinical outcome will or won’t be,” says Scherer. For that reason, experts emphasize the necessary role of clinical geneticists, like Schaaf, to help interpret the data and make it clear that genes aren’t the be-all and end-all”

*Applause* And even if it was 100% foolproof, it still would not help us with prevention or treatment. It still will not help these children or their families

Finding the cause in genes in order to diagnose earlier or prenatally; is a waste of time, money and resources

We need to know the cause in order to find the cure. We need to stop looking at everything but the obvious.

Let’s open the box and see what’s inside

Waking up or Watching Children Fade

…..with 21 percent of respondents saying they believe autism is linked to vaccines

Hmmm gee, I wonder why that is? Could it be all that “misinformation” that we are spreading far and wide? Alas, I don’t think its people ‘waking up’. Instead it’s purely experience; people watching children ‘change’ after receiving a round of vaccines.  Though there are alot cases where the child is obviously exhibiting signs of a reaction to vaccines, the parent is either unaware or adamantly against the idea that vaccines could’ve done anything wrong.

There’s a bunch of tiny but very significant things that need to be realized by everyone; especially the above.  The most basic thing to understand is that damage from/a reaction to vaccines is at the base, a chemical and/or immune system reaction. These types of reactions, while very similar, affect everyone differently. (I’m currently working on a project to show this-more in the future, promise) An easy example would be the gut/brain/opiate response/leaky gut/blah blah blah. I’m speculating here so don’t all bounce off the walls with your loud speaker *cough*caps lock*cough* squawking for links to it all. They’re made up, it’s an example. Okay, that clear let’s get to it then. We have 1,000 kids with autism. 76% of those kids have ‘gut issues’ which is 760 kids. Now only 10% of those kids experience just gut damage without the corresponding ‘opiate receptor damage’ which is 76 kids. The other 684 kids have gut damage + opiate receptor damage. While the remaining 34% will be divided with some children having just opiate receptor damage but no gut damage and a few may have neither. But all have autism and all more than likely had a reaction to vaccines or by ‘similar means’. Did you get the point though? A standard study would only show 760 out of 1,000 kids have various gut issues. That’s it, they don’t look for opioids and I’m not sure if they have the capabilities – or the drive – to check if these kids have damage to that part of the brain. Without both occurring at once and being measured, we wouldn’t even have a clue. It is possible to do a urine test that would show high opiate levels if this issue exists. The problem can arise though if you are already starting the appropriate diet. You would have to feed your child opiate containing foods in order to get an accurate measure. It’s worth it to test before you start but in my opinion, if you’ve already started treatment measures then don’t go back on what is already working and know that your child may not suffer from both and that should be some relief because the treatment involves getting rid of two of the most common foods.

Every kids reacts differently and in some cases the subsequent damage is not able to be seen. So when I hear the words “well my child has all their vaccines and is fine” I cringe, ………  just a little. Just because your child is strong enough, lucky enough, or not damaged to a visible degree, does not in any way prove that vaccines are safe. You could take a bottle of sleeping pills and die. I could do the same and live. On your terms it would be concluded; Therefore it is completely safe to take a bottle of pills. No side effects whatsoever.

Here’s a smack my head, drag my hand down my face statement. “My child never reacted to a vaccine” says the parent of a child……who has autism. The other closely following “I saw signs at birth/before vaccines/knew in the womb. Yes I make fun, because it is utterly ridiculous to some degree. Don’t all jump at me now; I’m sure there are legit cases of children ‘born with autism’ but I do dispute that it is a very small number. I am seriously curious though, as to what parents believe they saw in this regard and of course I have a few things to say about it myself. But that’s a whole other post in itself (I’m never going to finish the darn IOM report)

What also doesn’t help is that even though we follow the ‘recommended’ schedule and get vaccinated for the same diseases; it isn’t the same vaccines. If you don’t already know, vaccines are not produced by doctors, the CDC or ‘health care professionals’; they are a product made by companies, several in fact. So I ask everyone who has had a vaccine:

Do you know which ones you’ve gotten?

Which company they came from?

Does your doctor?

We aren’t tracking any of this like we should be. We aren’t even properly tracking reactions, let alone knowing which vaccine caused it. We barely know who is vaccinated or not and we have people administering these vaccines that are highly unqualified to do so. When they’re giving out flu shots at public places like Walgreens, you know something is very, very wrong.

How many of you receive any type of verbal information about vaccines, besides “it fights this disease, this s the only way to prevent said disease, side effects; probably get a fever and be sore in the arm”?

How many have received written information?

How many are made to sit for 15min to monitor for an allergic or otherwise reaction?

Do you know the signs of a vaccine reaction?

Does your doctor?

Do you or your doctor know what is in a vaccine?

Do you know what happens if a vaccine vial, were to break in the doctor’s office……. ok I can’t expect people to know that one, but seriously unless you spend alot of time looking into it; how many of those can you honestly answer right now?

So of course it’s all just misinformation, anti vaxxers yadda yadda yadda. Wow, you must have low expectations of people to honestly believe that peanut gallery bull. I highly doubt that people are just going to suddenly change their minds one day because they read an article somewhere. Something of this nature has to either be enforced into your life or some ‘shocking’ incident has to happen.

People aren’t waking up, they are seeing it. Maybe we’re paying attention more or quite possibly what is happening is occurring more drastically. Look at those on the spectrum over time and see that while each generation does have its severe cases, the general population was affected to a lesser degree than kids today. How many more cases of obvious regression are we now seeing? Give it a few years and the schools will be flooded. We are already seeing it; teachers aren’t ready, there aren’t enough supports in place, we have been overwhelmed for years now, with places housing adults on the spectrum and these places are barely holding it together. There’s one down the street from me that is trying desperately to get more funding just to repair the place. They have no money to do anything with the residents so they spend their time sitting outside on the porch when it’s nice out.

This is the solution; stick them somewhere and let them live and be happy. Now how many threads have I read this on; let them be, don’t fret over treatment and cause. Give them your attention and let them do as they may and then stick them in the worst place possible when they grow up and live a life of what? Of nothing, of doing freely and just existing – barely – instead of actually living; it’s crap, plain and simple.

This article just goes to show how unprepared they are and I am thankful for that 21% who are at least a step ahead by making the connection. With lack of everything and the only light seeming to be with the few that still put on the battle gear every morning, we are in for some work; since we are the ones doing it all. We can’t hope for ‘professionals’ to get on board enough to take over, hell we are still doing battles when the war should not only be going, but fought and over with already.

Alas we are broke, without time and too busy fighting amongst each other to band together enough, to really be heard.

Yet every day the waves of people seem to get bigger and the impact greater. The voices are getting louder and those warriors we all know and love are realizing that; it really is up to us to fix this. That one study to prove or disprove is not going to happen. Seriously if jenny, holly and the like got together they could do it in a cinch.

That’s the thing about autism. Everyone is off in the corner doing their own thing.

Ahh The Smell of Misinformation in the Morning

This was sent to me from a friend of mine and my comment turned out too long so it became a post. Enjoy!

Well First off I love how they have to “track down” these unvaccinated kids, like they are hiding from doing something illegal. It gives the mindset to those watching that going unvaccinated is partial to being a criminal. No one wants to be a criminal, unless of course like me you have a need to rebel. Compliance is key, even if that compliance is brought about by fear of consequence. That is a basis of our society though and it’s not surprising that it is being used here.

Second : This and this shows quickly that your endeavour is redundant, because the vaccine doesn’t work and is more than likely doing even greater harm by spreading whooping cough. I bet the solution to this will be either to vaccinate more, or to make a stronger vaccine. Sigh, when will they ever learn

Third and the biggest piss off of all: the negligent parent remark. Suddenly by not injecting a manufactured product into our children’s bodies, we are neglecting them. This of course can and in a lot of cases does, lead to CAS/CPS being called or students marched into courtrooms being forcibly vaccinated. Vaccines are a CHOICE, but for how long? Doctors and nurses in some places are being told to get a vaccine or get out. Schools in almost every case; do not inform parents that they have a choice, do not tell parents that their child does not need a vaccination to go to school and they never say, it is NOT negligence when you refuse any or all vaccines. Scare tactics are being used across the globe, people are starting to ask questions and health authorities are getting nervous and starting to get pushy. Whether they truly know what damage they are doing, I cannot say for sure. I’m certain a lot feel that they truly are doing the right thing. This isn’t about what people feel is right though, not when you get down deep into it. This is about our right slowly being taken away and this is about the children silently sacrificed for “the greater good” of everyone else.

There are other tactics used in here. In the beginning they use the words “state mandated”. This makes people believe that you must get vaccinated. In fact the only thing that is mandated is proof of immunization or exemption. Yes it is getting harder in some areas to get exemptions and that’s one reason why I love living in Canada. We are far from perfect though, they pull the same tactics here as everywhere else. Convincing parents that in order to attend school your child must be vaccinated; This is just not true.

Blaming the reason for late/not vaccinating on “family dynamics”, “hardships” and “truant” kids causes people to feel that they are in trouble for not vaccinating, by associating these words with those not compliant with “vaccine recommendations”.

“Kids will not be allowed back to school if they haven’t been vaccinated”

This is what I’m talking about. That is not true. Kids will not be allowed back to school unless they have proof of vaccination, proper titers level or proof of exemption. That is what should be stated, because that is the truth. What they are reporting is misinformation. It’s very sly and it’s very dirty playing.

The point is the forcible nature that not only health care authorities are using but also the school system. Going door to door to check vaccination records and carrying on hand the vaccine for quick-and-easy vaccination, absurd. Does this “nurse” follow proper procedure and give you the low down on vaccines including the side effects, does this “nurse” also stick around to monitor in case of a reaction and does she have a sucker to give the patient when she’s all finished vaccinating them?

Going further into the IOM report

Before we dive right into the preface, let’s count how many times the word rare is used. I count seven. Pay attention to this, it is a very sly way of downplaying things. If you haven’t kept up here it is simply; one side states that vaccines do cause reactions but very rarely, so the benefit outweighs the risk and the other side is asking for this issue to be looked at properly because what they are looking at shows, that adverse reactions are more common than we had past thought.

Since it is still in question –even after reading through this report- this is really a perfect example of how “they” are trying to constantly push that all this is rare, like winning the lottery. You may hear about it but the likelyhood of it ever happening to you is pretty slim.


Now there’s a lot I could nitpick about enough to fill up a couple of posts but instead I’ll just skim over them since we’ve all probably heard them several times already and we do have 667 pages to cover.

Thankfully we have a bullet system 😉

  • Vaccines being the leading cause of dwindling outbreaks/us not seeing disease much anymore is in question
  • Because we don’t see these outbreak of disease anymore and aren’t afraid of them is NOT the reason the majority choose to not vaccinate. This myth is also passed around very frequently
  • This article reviewed 12,000 peer-reviewed articles, they did not conduct any new research
    • It is interesting to note that this comes out shortly after a similar review of articles about vaccine safety, only they came to quite the opposite conclusion
    • “….some issues simply cannot be resolved with currently available epidemiologic data…in addition even very large epidemiologic studies may not detect or rule out rare events”
      • We know this already, have been saying it for years and yet the methods have not changed
      • “Some adverse events caused by vaccines are also caused by the natural infection
        • Please keep this in the back of your mind, it is very important. I’m working on a post for it but for now we should note that this only shows that some adverse events will go undetected.
        • “Alleged adverse effects that appear to be immune mediated, as many of them are, are more challenging, in part because the biology is not completely understood”
          • They proceed to go on about pre-existing conditions. These conditions that may have no ill effect on the individual if they were not vaccinated.

What you really get from this preface is that the methods for investigating adverse reaction claims cannot usually determine whether the reaction is from the vaccine or not. Add to the fact that most of the population isn’t even aware that you can report these reactions and that most doctors outwardly dismiss reaction claims and you get a whole different idea than the previous news article about this report is stating. This is not reassuring for the very rare reaction claims. It will be interesting to see if they take any action after this has made the rounds. We need better monitoring better investigation methods and better safety protocols before injection.


If 100,000 kids get a particular vaccine and 1,000 have reactions, the current methods would most likely determine that one or less had an actual reaction. Why? Because 300 had a pre-existing condition that without that vaccine no one would have known about or be affect by, 300 did not have enough data so was only concluded as correlation not causation and the remaining will be dismissed because it wasn’t that particular vaccine that caused the reaction but rather the accumulation of vaccine up till that point, with this last set showing visible reaction.


Like it or not, this is our current situation. Although the news about this report is only saying that this is a reassurance to those who are concerned for vaccine safety. So far I don’t find this reassuring at all.

Another Piece to Reassure Parents?

This swept through the lines the other day. Not surprising the “pro-vax” side is claiming another headline victory, even though they were slow to spread this. So being the curious cat that I am, I had to take a peak. Well that news article didn’t have any links to the actual “study” itself so I had to go to this one first and then finally end up here, where I could download the entire  667 pages.

Of course, before I even talk about that, I want to take a look at the first link.

The very first line “After a close review of more than 1,000 research studies” is clearly stating that they didn’t do a fresh study or even look at current reported reactions, but rather they looked at studies and papers already published. Same old information, same old news and the same old headlines. Are you to expect anything but?

“Fears that vaccines might cause autism or other health problems have led some parents to skip vaccinating their children, despite repeated reassurances from health authorities. The concerns have also forced costly reformulations of many vaccines.”

Reassurances? Nobody asked for reassurance, they asked you to look into specific problems, which we will see in your report whether they were even “reviewed”. The part about parents concerns forcing costly reformulations of vaccines is laughable. What kind of changes have been made, if you aren’t listening in the first place. Are they now claiming that Thimerosal was removed due to parental concerns? Now unless I’m mistaken (which happens 😉 The original issues and studies requested have not been met.

“We looked at more than 1,000 articles evaluating the epidemiological and biological evidence about whether vaccines cause side effects,”

So if you are reviewing articles that already say that vaccines are safe and side effects are very, very, very, very rare would you honestly expect to come to any other conclusion than vaccines are safe and effective and while side effects can happen they are very, very, very rare? Holy heck now, how many times have I read that one.

“Once again, the IOM found that the MMR vaccine does not cause autism, nor does it cause type 1 diabetes, Clayton said.”

Well that’s nice of you to re-hash information and again, fail to listen to the concerns of the people.

“The panel found that the MMR vaccine can cause seizures in people who develop high fevers after getting the vaccine, but these pass quickly.”

I’m sure all the parents of children who had their first seizure after this vaccine (among others) and continue to have seizures – some amounting +20 daily-  years later, are fuming at their computers. Of course you never did look at these children and instead you reviewed old articles.

“With the varicella vaccine against chickenpox, some people can develop brain swelling, pneumonia, hepatitis, meningitis or shingles, but this occurs most often in people with compromised immune systems.”

This one really got me. First and foremost is the dismissive nature of this statement. It’s like “ya you can get all this scary stuff but it’s as rare as winning the lottery. It does happen, just never to you. Last but not least is regarding this compromised immune system remark that keeps getting repeated and not just here but across the rest of the web. How compromised does your immune system have to be, for you to be considered at risk for any of these? Can they test beforehand for concerned patients – I say this loosely as you can get vaccines in grocery stores in some places-?

“But Clayton said this can be addressed with the requirement by doctors to have patients remain in the waiting room for 15 minutes after their shot to make sure they do not have an allergic reaction.”

A couple questions I wouldn’t mind asking someone in charge about this one.

Can you do an allergy test beforehand?

About this 15min wait time; Here – as with a lot of places- unless asked, not much information is given regarding vaccines. When getting shots personally or for their child, most people don’t know and aren’t made aware that you can even have an allergic reaction, let alone told to wait around for 15min to see if you or your child has a reaction. I agree that it should be mandated but this article made no implication that they are going to or even plan to implement it.

The second news article I was led to was overall, basically a re-hash of information but with a few extras thrown in for good measure.

“Fears that vaccines can cause various side effects have led to a decline in childhood immunization rates in recent years and a re-emergence of preventable infectious diseases such as pertussis and measles.”

Fear of side effects, is only one of the MANY  reasons why parents are choosing not to vaccinate, but the reason I chose this statement is because of the “fear mongering” that is happening. This is currently being pushed far and wide and what are we seeing happening? People are believing that children who are unvaccinated are little walking, disease spreading machines qnd that if you come into contact with one, your child will most likely catch something and possibly die. Oh my gosh! Run away from the remarkably healthy unvaxed toddlers.

Seriously though some people go as far to expel those who CHOOSE not to vaccinate, yet bring those who have been “approved by doctors, unable to be vaccinated” under their wing. Well except those who feel that they should be vaccinated anyway, reactions or not. A lot of their reasoning comes from certain “headline beliefs” like; unvaxed children spread disease that kills other children, parents choose not to vaccinate their children because of “that doctor who told everybody that mmr causes autism”, some celebrity told them to, it’s the new fad, if we fall below “herd immunity” suddenly our vaccines don’t work and diseases will not only come back but they will be epidemics and my favourite: your unvaxed kid, will give my vaxed kid a disease. The news is now pushing, to make those who choose not to vaccinate themselves and/or their children out to be the bad guys bent on destroying the world. Well maybe they don’t want to go that far but I’m sure the backlash from all this will make those who choose not to vaccinate feel that way.

It really makes me sad to see parents who choose not to vaccinate further, because they’ve witnessed their child have a reaction, be torn apart by the backlash these kind of statements have caused. Two places that I’ve found to hold the most disgusting words of inhumanity, in regards to those who do not vaccinate are from JMBC and Vaccinate You Baby. They generally believe; doctors are the ones to trust unless they question vaccines, that science and studies will show that vaccines are safe and effective and the ones that don’t are from garbage sources or people who are anti-vaccine so it doesn’t count, that unvaccinated people are making everyone else sick and killing them-vaccinated people- with disease, that it doesn’t matter if the court ruled that your child was vaccine injured and that he also has a diagnosis of autism, because the doctor didn’t diagnose it as vaccine injury so, it doesn’t count and that no matter how many claims are out there, it is never causation but only correlation.

In simple terms; vaccines are magical and if I get them I never even have to worry about disease, unless some unvaxed brat comes along with a disease that I’m vaccinated for, then I’m sure to catch it and die, killing my family and infecting my neighbourhood and city in the process. Those anti-vaxers should be booted off to an island somewhere and they can live happily spreading their diseases around, all because they were looking for someone to blame for their kids autism, when it’s just a coincidence that their kid regressed the day they got vaccinated for 7 different diseases.

This second news link also adds that, the reactions suffered can also occur in healthy individuals and not just those with compromised immune systems…..interesting.

What will most likely be passed right over in this article is this statement

“The report does not answer one of the most pressing questions regarding vaccine safety. Gardasil, a vaccine to protect against common strains of human papilloma virus that can cause cervical cancer, has been linked in isolated case reports to blood clots and even some deaths. But the report says there is not enough scientific evidence yet to determine whether HPV vaccines can cause side effects.” “”We did not find studies that were sound enough to consider to making any kind of judgement on that association,” said Dr. S. Claiborne Johnston, a committee member and professor of neurology and epidemiology at UC, San Francisco.”

So they haven’t determined either way on the HPV vaccine, yet they are still pushing it on every tween girl -and soon boy- that they can. This is very concerning. I’m sure that they will determine that this vaccine is safe and that these are all unrelated, previously had issues. That or they occur very, very, very, rarely and that you should still get it OR YOU WILL GET CANCER AND DIE!

 “The report did not explore the benefits of population-wide vaccine programs versus the costs of adverse events in some individuals. Moreover, the committee did not review the scientific evidence on whether safety profiles of various vaccines change when they are given in combinations.”

Of course they never looked at the costs. Even with their claimed oh so very rare reactions, the cost to care for those affected by adverse events, I’m sure far outweighs the current benefit of vaccination programs.

I’m going to point this out now, so everybody pay attention. Vaccines given in combinations have not been looked at. Not in this study nor any other. Period. Why is it nearly impossible then, to get a single of any vaccine. They are all combos given with one or more other combo vaccines. Seriously, why aren’t more people concerned?

One thing I must commend is that they did put 3 little statements in regards to how this “study” was lacking.

Now onto 667 pages of information, oh the fun that shall be had.

Withdrawals and other fun stuff that go with GFCF

GFCF is not cheap in anyway and there is not much variety. I’ve been excited to come across new foods that say gluten free, but alas they usually contain casein. I was going out of my mind trying to figure it all out. My son was such a picky eater and I mean picky. He had maybe 3 foods he would eat at the point that we started and I worried so much that he would just refuse everything and start to starve. But I knew what these foods were doing to him and I couldn’t let that go on anymore. I had to go back to basics. Fruits, veges, meats and snacks from scratch. Not easy and it takes so much patience to work through trying all these foods to find ones that your child will eat. It’s slow going and you will constantly be worrying if they are getting enough, if they will constantly refuse to eat anything but ‘restricted foods’.

It will get better and it does get easier. The worst and –I say this with all the love in the world- most annoying part of it all is the withdrawal. They may get angrier, stim more, cry more, self injury more and when you get down to the nitty gritty, they will hunt out ‘restricted foods’ like a crackhead looking for a fix. I am not kidding. My kid hounds me when I eat bread and goes for playdoh or any not so edible thing that has gluten or casein in it. I’ve heard of kids licking the newly polished floors because they can literally smell the gluten in the wax. I’ve heard so many stories of children eating things, you would not imagine had gluten or casein in it. You have to be on constant watch; daycare, school and just being at someone else’s house could inadvertently cause an ‘infraction’.

A really good tip if you are on your way. Approximately 6hrs after an infraction you will start to notice signs. This has helped me countless times when trying to figure out what food he was ‘reacting’ to, when I started to see him ‘react’ I counted back about 6hrs and would find out what he ate. I removed the food and no more ‘reactions’.

Now on to the good stuff. If everything goes accordingly –the diet works for your child, you have made sure to remove all ‘restricted foods’ –you may not see the same improvements if you are doing a slow diet- you will start to notice some or all of the following: Less/no – headbanging, self injurious behaviour and hitting, pinching, biting of others. Less – meltdowns, headaches, stimming, stomach pains and waking up in the middle of the night screaming/crying. More – eye contact, focus, speech, awareness, interaction and imaginative play.

Now remember, you could see results right away or they could take a few months. Gluten and Casein are in many, many things so it’s good to recheck what your child is eating when you are implementing this ‘diet’. Also Remember that it’s not just about gluten free, casein has the exact same effect. Good Luck.

Warrior Mothers

Warrior Mothers

Everyday a constant battle at home, outside and online. Why? The children.

Everyday at home is like being in war. The day starts early with planning and preparation, each stage of the day checked over and all variables thought of and plan B’s, C’s and D’s ready to be implemented. Then it’s to the battlefield. Clothes carefully picked and put on according to the pre-planned stages, each step requiring constant encouragement and approval. Each morning task takes at least twice as long if not longer than the average cadet. Anything that requires an outside object, like a brush or toothpaste takes months sometimes years before that step becomes merely a civil dispute. Meals are not left out of the battles and on many occasions require more attention than anything else. Every ingredient must be checked, every new food monitored for reactions and every sensory issue, hyperactivity and just plain refusal dealt with using the book of game plans. This book, located in the brains of each warrior mother, holds all plans that have worked, failed and not yet attempted when dealing with a battle. Throughout the day warriors must face stares, comments and just plain old oppression from outsiders. Each night holds hope of rest and some days that hope comes true and other days seem endless. Online they fight for a better life for their children, for truth, justice and all that and it is a very long and extremely tiring war, that will, most likely last the majority of their life.

They don’t stop fighting, they don’t stop caring and I hope they never do because they are making change. You can call them crazy, selfish, ‘not accepting’, loud and angry. You can try every tactic you have to stop them, throw every bullshit study you can come up with to try and convince them that what they believe is wrong. But one thing you have to remember; They are mothers fighting for their children, mothers that paid attention, that saw what happened to their kids and are pissed off and tired of being told; that nothing can be done, that there is no way possible that what they saw happened and that they should accept their child for what they are now and just enjoy time with them.

They are using every bit of energy that they have, to find help for their kids. I commend them on their unending efforts to bring about change and not only help their own little ones but as many others as they possibly can. They have been working for years and instead of being called crazy, I think we should be thanking them because if not for them, then we would never hear ‘autism is treatable’, that ‘recovery is possible’ or that ‘you have a choice’. These mothers have helped so many children when everyone else had turned their backs on them. Even with all the hate that they receive, they still are out there every day, helping others, finding ways to help their children and waking up ready to do battle.

Thank you warrior mothers

You inspire us all to never stop fighting

To never give up

And that our children will not be left forgotten

So why are we still talking about it?

Vaccines and autism, I’m sure everyone has heard something or other regarding this topic by now and the consensus among a lot of people is the following; Vaccines don’t cause autism. So the question is; has this been thoroughly looked at? Is the discussion over?

The very simple answer is, no. So why do all these people seem to think it is?

There are many reasons why people believe that this ‘link’ has been proven nonexistent, but it all boils down to one thing, Headlines. Just do a simple Google search and you will find many, many headlines claiming that there is no vaccine/autism link or that the ‘researcher who claimed a link has been debunked, striped of his licence, ect’, great news for concerned parents everywhere right? Wrong. Firstly, without getting into the Wakefield issue – I’ll do that later- If a paper is removed, it does not necessarily mean that the concern raised in said paper has been looked at and found to be false. Secondly and perhaps most important is READ THE WHOLE STORY. Underneath the headlines you will come to find that studies have been done regarding MMR and/or Thimerosal and autism. I am not going to discuss every individual study – I can and will if need be – but there are a number of concerns that anyone who has been ‘keeping up’ can see. The most important is where is the  ‘s’ on vaccines reported in these headlines. All I keep seeing is MMR, everywhere I go its MMR this and MMR that. I’m pretty sure last time I checked, children received more than just the MMR vaccine. “But” you say “MMR was the vaccine that was claimed to be causing autism.” Now where would someone get that idea from? Could it be the thousands of headlines that appeared stating that the MMR vaccine causes autism?

The truth; every vaccine is being implicated and the concerns are not just about autism.

So is blaming vaccines the new fad? Did this just start in the last 20-30yrs? No to both, in fact parents have been claiming bodily damages caused by vaccines as long as they have been around. There is even a separate court system –we’ll get into that later – just for vaccine injury claims. VAERS is a reporting system for claims of injuries. These things the general public does not know. It is not highly publicized, rather hushed, but nevertheless still there.

The discussion is not over and everyday more and more claims are being made against vaccines. I have been to government websites, emailed them, soared across the interweb of blogs, chats, groups, newspapers, medical sites etc and still no one can provide the following studies, papers or even articles on; every – or just any other than MMR – vaccine and/or the combined schedule in relation to autism.

Time and time again I am sent links to studies not relating to the question at hand. Is something about vaccines causing more and more children to be on the spectrum? So if you have the answers please send them to me. Until then we have to ask; Are we willing to risk our children with things unanswered?