As Our Journey Continues Unleashed


               When we start this journey, be it life in general or a found purpose that sets you apart, that gives your life more meaning than the mundane one that most of us are living; we never expect to end up where we are. When I was first brought into this, I would never have imagined that it would take me here. In five years I’m sure to look back and think the same about this moment. The greatest thing about life is learning, discovering, exploring and of course experiencing.

If there is a beginning to all this, I’d have to say it started with experience as most things do and I, not being a person to lay down and not help, I started exploring. I spent years holed up learning and discovering, hours a day and sometimes whole nights lost to reading. The discoveries I made were not only profound but were also very upsetting; everywhere I looked I saw people that needed help and I saw almost every one of them, not getting it. It could’ve just ended there and yet, what they needed and the things that would help were easily obtained. I could see how easily these families could get the help and support they needed, I could even estimate that with FULL cooperation, kids could pass for “non-autistic” within 3 months and “fully healed” within a year. Of course its way more difficult to get to that point, there is so much unnecessary opposition it will make your head spin, I never once thought that I would be huge and make enormous change, but I did know that I had to do something; even on the smallest level possible. I couldn’t just sit around with the knowledge I had and not try to help.

There are several stages to this and as I go further into the rabbit hole, as I push for better support and more help, as I fight for personal rights and as I expand the help that I give; I come across new, informed and exciting individuals. I’ve mentioned a few already but there are countless others that I can only hope people will pay attention to.

The newest discovery of mine is Linderman Unleashed, after listening to the first segment I have to say; I am hooked. I loved the “tell it like it is attitude” that the show presents, as well as how relatable it is. The majority of families affected by autism are not celebrities, are not rich and do not have valuable resources at their fingertips. While the host of the show does have valuable resources available that is where the difference ends. They are everyday people, much like you and I, who have had an experience and have not just sat back and let it be. They don’t have tons of cash around to provide every therapy and treatment that would help, just as most families are. The best part though; there’s no holding back.

 I really got into the show, several times I found myself nodding my head in agreement, laughing because I’ve said the exact same things before and the comment about Obama’s wife had me clapping. You’re going to hear things that few are brave enough to say, some think about but would never vocalize and others wish they had thought of first. I found the show not only informative (also with the promise to continue to feature a lot of useful information) but also entertaining. Anyone can drone on about issues and some are even funny. This though…..this is good stuff.

Now don’t get the wrong idea here, I’m not saying; everyone flock and worship the “great Linderman” as some very uninformed  groups believe, that those who oppose vaccines, think that one Jenny McCarthy is the all-knowing goddess of all gods. No, I’m just saying check him out, listening to one of his segments and judge for yourself. This is one of those ‘love it or hate it’ shows. These are the types that get a lot of attention. Look at Alex Jones, you’re either in love with the stuff he does or think he is a crackpot that should be put away before everyone starts thinking for themselves again. It doesn’t matter which way it goes, the point is it excites passion, ignites discussion and brings matters to attention. We need more people talking about these issues, we need more people speaking honestly, blatantly and not worrying about ‘tripping over other people’s feelings’ when doing so. I’m sorry but it’s time to stop tip toeing around things and while I don’t think screaming the issues in people’s faces nor does getting angry and freaking out, solve anything; we need to stop pissing around and tell it like it is.

We have numbers around 1 in 30 kids succumbing to autism nowadays. Five years ago numbers were around 1 in 200. 1 in 200 is insane as it is, but 1 in 30 after only five years. What the hell is going on? Why is it that some parents know exactly what is happening but professionals sit for decades scratching their heads (asses) at this problem, looking at it from every angle but the obvious? We don’t have time to pussyfoot about things like pro-choice, pro-safety and whatever else can stray away from the words anti vaccine. Morons who do not know the issues are the ones using those words. We all need to give the middle finger and move on to the actual issues. We get caught up in these inner disputes that take away from sifting through and gathering information, that take away from pushing for proper research and that distract us from doing what really matters; helping our children. 

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